
Upload photo

First name:*
Last name:*
Address 2:
Date of Birth:*
Confirm Password:*

Password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 6 or more characters.


I can confirm that I have the right to work in the UK


From time to time we will send information to you by phone and email with information, upcoming availability & company news. If you do not want to receive these please tick below:


Emergency Contact



Professional Information

GMC Number:*
Smart Card Number:*


Are you currently under any investigations or are there any restrictions on your practice by the GMC?



Appraisal and Revalidation

Next Revalidation Date:*
Responsible Officer:*
Next Appraisal Date:*
Name of Appraiser:*


By ticking this box, I confirm that I am aware of the revalidation process and I will ensure that I am appraised on a regular basis and will make Northern Health aware if any significant concerns are raised


Financial Information

Please select one of the following payment methods:*

Company Name:
Company Reg Number:


Account Name:*
Account Number:*
Sort Code:*
NI Number:*


By ticking this box, I can confirm that I am fully aware and complying to IR35 guidelines and I am responsible for organising and paying my own tax, national insurance and any other HMRC issued payments & Northern Health will not be held responsible


Permission Declaration


In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 I give permission for Northern Health to

Contact & request my references

Check my online DBS & residence permit (if applicable)

Auditing my personal data on file for compliance, recruitment and quality assurance purposes internally and through third parties on occasion


Working Time Regulations

I can confirm I wish to work more than 48 hours per week

You can opt back in to the 48 hours regulations by putting it in writing providing 4 weeks’ notice. you must keep records relating to your hours worked, (keeping your timesheets will suffice)


Rehabilitation of Offenders

I confirm that

I have never been convicted, cautioned, reprimanded or given a warning by the police in any country

I have no ongoing complaints, investigations, enquiries or allegations against me

I will inform Northern Health imediately if this changes



Compliance 1

Doctor’s who would like to work across Mid Yorkshire NHS hospital sites (Pontefract, Pinderfields and Dewsbury) are to complete Step 2 (Compliance 1). To work at any other hospitals and in accordance with NHS Framework standards, doctors are also to complete Step 3 (Compliance 2).


Passport Number:*
Passport Image:*
Your CV:*
Proof of Address:*
GMC Certificate:*
Degree Certificate / RCP:*
DBS Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*
DBS Number:*
Occupational Health Results:*
Indemnity Cover for Out of Hours sessions:*
Expiry Date:*
Appraisal Date:*
Appraisal Results:*
Safeguarding Adults Training Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*
Safeguarding Children Level 3 Training Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*
Life Support Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*
PREVENT Training Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*
Mental Capacity Act (2005) Training Certificate:*
Expiry Date:*


Reference 1:*
Reference 2:*

The documentation above is mandatory to enable us to successfully process your registration




Compliance 2

To work at any other hospitals and in accordance with NHS Framework standards, doctors are also to complete this step. If not proceed to submit your details.


Conflict Resolution:
Expiry Date:
Manual Handling Level 2:
Expiry Date:
Fire Safety:
Expiry Date:
Complaints Handling & Lone Working:
Expiry Date:
Health, Safety & Welfare:
Expiry Date:
Counter Fraud:
Expiry Date:
Infection Prevention & Control Level 2:
Expiry Date:
Equality & Diversity:
Expiry Date:
Information Governance:
Expiry Date:


Please print, sign and scan the Contract and Health Clearance Questionnaire and upload the completed files here.

Health Clearance Questionnaire


Contract Northern Health



I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my termination.


By selecting this tick box, I am digitally signing up to and certifying that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my termination.